
This script checks if your server configuration meets the requirements for running Online Cronjob Manager. It checks if the server is running the right version of PHP, if appropriate PHP extensions have been loaded, and if php.ini file settings are correct.


This is not a cron job SYSTEM, you usually find in cPanel (Plesk), or in linux servers where you set a time and a command (script) to run.


Unfortunately your server configuration does not satisfy the requirements by Online Cronjob Manager.


PHP version (7.4.0 or higher) Passed
Reflection extension Passed
PCRE extension Passed
SPL extension Passed
Ctype extension Passed
Intl extension Failed Internationalization support. PHP Intl extension 1.0.2 or higher is required
ICU version Failed Internationalization support. ICU 49.0 or higher is required
ICU Data version Failed Internationalization support. ICU Data 49.1 or higher is required
Bcmath extension Failed Bcmath extension is not loaded
MBString extension Passed
OpenSSL extension Passed
PDO extension Passed
PDO MySQL driver Passed
Fileinfo extension Passed
cURL Failed cURL is not enabled
Socket functions Passed
Process Passed
short_open_tag (php.ini directive) Failed You need to enable short_open_tag in php.ini.
Safe mode (php.ini directive) must be disabled Passed
 passed  failed  warning